1 cent shipping from CD Baby!

1cClients_1080x1080_v3-650x650Just in time for the Holidays! CD Baby is offering standard shipping on all orders worldwide for only 1¢… That’s right, one penny to ship Tidings of Comfort and Joy anywhere in the world. (And there’s more Skafish music for sale there too!) The special pricing is good from November 30 through December 4th.

Remember, that penny covers shipping for your whole order, so share the love with your favorite indie artists and have fun shopping!

You can now purchase through Bandcamp

bandcamp_60x60_whiteIn order to simplify the purchasing process, we are now fulfilling individual orders for Skafish CDs and collectibles through the Skafish Bandcamp Store.

We chose Bandcamp because it offers an exciting platform that makes it easy for fans and artists to connect. The site offers high quality digital downloads, its own streaming app for purchases and an easy to use interface. The money from purchases goes directly to us and we ship the items directly to you.The site also give fans the opportunity to pay more to support the artists they love. You can visit our Bandcamp store by clicking here.

Need CDs or collectibles in quantity? We are still offering bulk purchases through our website.


picture of autographed cd

Signed Holiday Jazz Collectibles Now Available

picture of autographed cdFor the first time, you can purchase signed Skafish Holiday Collectibles right here from the website. We’re currently offering personally autographed CDs and limited edition 11” by 17” promotional posters.

If you purchase more than one of the same item in one order, we offer a 10% discount on your total purchase.

These make great holiday gifts!



Studio Footage of Jingle Bells final take

jingle Bells titlefinalYes, we caught that moment on video!

Finally, we get to showcase the archival footage of the unmixed final take of the actual recording of Jingle Bells.from the Skafish album Tidings Comfort & Joy – A Jazz Piano Trio Christmas. This moment was captured live on November 27, 2005 at CRC Studios in Chicago.

The camcorder footage of the recording shows Skafish playing a handcrafted Fazioli piano that was used for the session. Joining Skafish in the studio were bassist Lawrence Kohut and Tom Hipskind on drums.


Skafish Interview on Lakeshore Public Radio

LAKESHORE_TITLE_finalWe have added the video of the Skafish NPR Iinterview with Midwest Beat’s Tom Lounges on Lakeshore Public Radio to the La Befana Records You Tube channel.

The video is 55 minutes long and focuses on the holiday CD. During the interview, Skafish discusses his history and background in Jazz and tells the story of creating and recording Tidings Comfort & Joy – A Jazz Piano Trio Christmas.  The interview also features three tracks from the album, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing;” “The First Noel;” and “Deck the Halls.”

Skafish also brought CDs and did a live give away on the show for callers.